Wednesday, March 29, 2006
Sunday, March 26, 2006
And it's a beautiful day.
Friday, March 24, 2006
Pike Place Friday
--The most planted daffodils I've seen in one place, along the rim of the Market's roof.
--A blondhaired hippy about to mount his motorscooter, beside him an adorable yappy dachshund wearing a little hat with military insignia. I examined this and asked of his master, "Corporal?" "No, sargeant," he said. "Every year I give him a promotion. He'll make captain in five years."
--Eating noodles at the Sanitary Market, and watching two old, disreputable-looking cowboys peddling second-hand stuff to the blaring tune of "Tumbling Tumbleweeds." To see various oddballs, street people, tourists, dry drunks and junkies greeting and making happy commerce while high-harmony yodeling accompanies . . . this is the genuine America!
--My small Xia riding on a handy rocking cow, then later pinching the big brass pig's nose at the Market's entrance.
--Coming home to discover that El Gran Puerco Blanco is back in business! Bloody exactly glad helloagains abouttimes and you're welcome, alright?
Saturday, March 18, 2006
Bon Anniversaire, Ma Coeur Chinnici

Good fond first birthday to the remarkable Corazon (here pictured a mere couple months after her mortal debut). Reno is richer immeasurably for her merry presence there. If you live there and ain't yet bought a house from her, why, you're no citizen at all! Hop to it!
Friday, March 17, 2006
Tom Tomorrow at Elliot Bay Bookstore
Friday, March 10, 2006
Siskel and Ebert overthrow the Protestants
(via Bedazzled!)
Monday, March 06, 2006
glum for ducks, gaga for zuniga
Until I have anything worth digesting posted here (observe the Chinaman's chancy cows freezing over), do please examine with my hearty blessings the worthy work of Cheeto Zuniga, a brave new alias for a brand-new age of the same old bullshit. Here's hoping you make a mighty habit of this, mang, as your posts thus far are brilliant, the return of a bold voice long missed up Northward wayhereabouts. Dig.