Purple Pressed Ass

A seldom-sober pseudonym takes on the totality.

Friday, March 24, 2006

Pike Place Friday

Taking Xia to Pike Place Market is invariably a magical experience. Today after stressy shrieky shopping for wee shoes we went down to decompress. Beautiful things included:

--The most planted daffodils I've seen in one place, along the rim of the Market's roof.

--A blondhaired hippy about to mount his motorscooter, beside him an adorable yappy dachshund wearing a little hat with military insignia. I examined this and asked of his master, "Corporal?" "No, sargeant," he said. "Every year I give him a promotion. He'll make captain in five years."

--Eating noodles at the Sanitary Market, and watching two old, disreputable-looking cowboys peddling second-hand stuff to the blaring tune of "Tumbling Tumbleweeds." To see various oddballs, street people, tourists, dry drunks and junkies greeting and making happy commerce while high-harmony yodeling accompanies . . . this is the genuine America!

--My small Xia riding on a handy rocking cow, then later pinching the big brass pig's nose at the Market's entrance.

--Coming home to discover that El Gran Puerco Blanco is back in business! Bloody exactly glad helloagains abouttimes and you're welcome, alright?


  • At 9:43 PM, Blogger Deric said…

    sounds like a lovely day... and thanks for the props, man...

  • At 2:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    thanks for reminding me what I miss about it


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