Rightful Laudatories
Due to some damn Blogger glitch, the picture Messiahbomb Michael Photoshnockered together for me, which I posted last time, ain't there any more. So here it is again, in its proper own entry. Thanks once more, Mr. Christordnance.

At 12:04 PM,
Anonymous said…
you sort of look like me man?
CF in Reno
At 4:58 PM,
DeAnna said…
Hm...bought a motorcycle yet?
At 2:36 PM,
Sleeve Consequences said…
CF in Reno: It's the beer that does it, y'know. The beer and the raw prowess!
Deanna: Cheers! I fear a motorized tricycle with big fuzzy foam wheels and a top speed of .06 kph is more w/in my ability, and even if they made such a thing I couldn't afford it.
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