Purple Pressed Ass

A seldom-sober pseudonym takes on the totality.

Saturday, December 23, 2006

slight return + more freud

Jesus, is that the time?

Yeah, I've been away from these sweet keys for so long. Apologies to anyone who kept checking in here. The U. had its brutal way with whatever percentage of my mind I could muster daily; dread MySpace done robbed the rest of my leisure, to no good effect I might add. But did I come through reeking like a rosy nose any damn how? Indeed, despite almost three months of having to ingest/digest/autosuggest such nuggets as follows:

The terror of Medusa is the terror of castration that is linked to the sight of something . . . becoming stiff . . . Thus in the original situation it offers consolation to the spectator: he is still in possession of a penis, and the stiffening reassures him of the fact. To display the penis (or any of its surrogates) is to say: "I am not afraid of you. I defy you. I have a penis."

Sigmund Freud, as quoted in Ranjana Khanna, Dark Continents: Psychoanalysis and Colonialism, p.46


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