Purple Pressed Ass

A seldom-sober pseudonym takes on the totality.

Thursday, June 30, 2005

Whiskey Fizzles My List Before Your Very Eyes

Too many critics, I think, rack up lists of favorite things (i.e. “My third-favorite ‘My Favorite Things’ is from Coltrane’s 11-18-62 Paris, second set”) without including absences; that is, their favorites among things they have imperfect or no knowledge of. To correct this to a degree, and to add something human to this blog for a change, I offer

My Favorite Movies That I’ve Never Seen, and Likely Never Will

The Dead Hate the Living
As this is my favorite movie title of all time, I’d hate to adulterate my appreciation of it by actually seeing the film. Plus, since that’s pretty much the summation of every horror movie ever made, I feel I’ve already seen it hundreds of times over.

Zorba the Greek
Having read Nikos Kazantzakis’ marvelous tale a couple times, I can’t imagine it filmed properly, nor imagine Anthony Quinn in the title role. But I grew up hearing the soundtrack, which featured snippets of dialog as intros to stirring bouzouki reels, and cannot now have dinner in a Greek restaurant, or hear the Pogues’ “Hell’s Ditch,” without thinking of the following:
Alan Bates: “Teach me to dance.”
Quinn: “Did you say---dance? Come on my boy!”

Zabriskie Point
I have no idea what this film’s about, but again, it’s a matter of soundtrack. I owned the cassette in my early twenties, and couldn’t imagine being that age without smoking dope and listening to obscure brilliant Pink Floyd tracks like “Heart Beat Pig Meat” and the dazzling understated “Crumbling Land” (“In his hand, a moving picture of the crumbling land…”).
Throw in John Fahey and Roscoe Holcomb and you’ve got a perfect movie—without the movie.

Only three, eh? But see—while trying to think of more, I stepped out on my balcony for a smoke and saw what I wish you could have seen, so I wouldn’t have to try to explain it: a moth circling the kitty-corner streetlamp, itself illuminated by its attractant such that it glowed just as brightly, as if on fire as it surely wished to be—a illusory firefly in a northern clime opposed to such phenomena. Beautiful, impossible, and surely a sign that I have to get my ass to bed posthaste. More to come, I’m sure: my favorite novels I never finished reading, my favorite baked manicotti recipes I ended up burning beyond edibility, and so on.

Monday, June 27, 2005

Quick List Slight Return Big Deal

While trying to get back in the hang of posting more frequently than one-half a post per fortnight, I mark my page with the following lists, much as "at the height of excitement a male [Lemur macaco] may rub the top of his head in his urine or his excrement and seek to mark the animals he encounters" (Jean Jacques Petter, "The Lemurs of Madagascar," from Primate Behavior: Field Studies of Monkeys and Apes, ed. Irvin DeVore, 1965).

Things That Are Easier Said Than Done

Rising from the dead

Things That Are Easier Done Than Said

Rumbling stomach from lunchless hunger (involuntary, so of course easier)
Masticating mangoes rapidly and madly
Sitting pretty shitting in a prison cistern

Thing That Is Equally Hard to Say and to Do

Laparosalpingo-oophorectomy (excision of ovary and uterine tube)

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Hymns to the Silence

Some necessarily cryptic wishes, just in case God is reading any of this (and hasn't gotten fed up by the scarcity of posts):

To C., an utter recovery and remission, then rivers of liquid refreshment as you toast the beauty that is your blessed undiminishable life,

To D., every courage from every quarter, and the thorough disabusement of any threat that you are alone--strewth and genius goodness endure in your every cell,

To J. and R.: the seraphim shall lay down their wings as you announce to heaven and law your wonderlove of one another, and I shall toast you by the gallon,

To everyone else but Jane, who knows: listen to Yat-Kha covering Motorhead's "Orgasmatron," then try to argue against beauty. Go ahead, just fuckin' try.

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

And Then, That Wasted Court Pushed Reefer to Medicinal-Grade Nose Candy

Man, those P-I headline writers must be, like, real "heads" who do "lines," likesay.

(p.s. Go see sweet Jane for actual analysis of this deplorable decision, if you've not already.)