While trying to get back in the hang of posting more frequently than one-half a post per fortnight, I mark my page with the following lists, much as "at the height of excitement a male [
Lemur macaco] may rub the top of his head in his urine or his excrement and seek to mark the animals he encounters" (Jean Jacques Petter, "The Lemurs of Madagascar," from
Primate Behavior: Field Studies of Monkeys and Apes, ed. Irvin DeVore, 1965).
Things That Are Easier Said Than Done Rising from the dead
Things That Are Easier Done Than Said
Rumbling stomach from lunchless hunger (involuntary, so of course easier)
Masticating mangoes rapidly and madly
Sitting pretty shitting in a prison cistern
Thing That Is Equally Hard to Say and to Do
Laparosalpingo-oophorectomy (excision of ovary and uterine tube)
At 12:33 PM,
Unknown said…
trigonometry is a lot worse than calculus. for me, calculus hurts the eyes whereas trig hurts the brain.
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