Two Big Ladynoses?
Deux Gros Nez is female, according to Rupert Murdoch. Had I known p'r'aps I woulda behaved more chivalrously therein. Or, of course, not.
(By the way, to the various few who've been bugging me to get with the MySpace soulsuck: I broke down after a few beers and attempted it last late night, but some glitch in it or I or both prevented me repeatedly from signing up. Thus I am desolate. Or chivalrous.)
(By the way, to the various few who've been bugging me to get with the MySpace soulsuck: I broke down after a few beers and attempted it last late night, but some glitch in it or I or both prevented me repeatedly from signing up. Thus I am desolate. Or chivalrous.)
At 7:56 PM,
Deric said…
here's all the reason i need not to get into the myspace mess...
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